Untying the lines…Finalmente!!

Finalmente! June 2021

So, we moved back on board at the end of January, right? Well, it is now June 1st and we are finally untying the lines.

But, wait! Don’t get too excited…

As we left the marina and motored through the short channel to the ICW, we noticed we didn’t have much speed or steerage, for that matter. Turned north onto the ICW and then struggled to get any speed or keep her on course. We turned around to head back to Seven Seas and see what the problem was. It took a really long time to get Tocino turned around, and we were getting way too far outside of the channel for comfort. Not too much water outside the channel down here. WTF is wrong with this boat?

We finally made it back to the fuel dock. I tried to dive on the prop to see what the problem was, but I didn’t have a weight belt and you know my ass is buoyant!

The next day David picked up our friend, Diego, so he could dive on the prop and see what was up.

Well, what was up was that we had serious growth since our last bottom-cleaning. We had the bottom cleaned in February or March when we thought we were originally leaving. We didn’t think the growth would be that bad. Annnd, we were wrong.

Diego hacked off the coral reef/boulder that was growing on our prop and shaft. We left Seven Seas and motored the five miles to the Memorial Bridge anchorage. We are finally on our way!

First stop:

St. Augustine Municipal Marina – This is one of our favorite stops! It also has one of my favorite restaurants, Columbia – noticing a theme here?? Lol!

Menu with picture of a tall ship with Columbia - gem of Spanish restaurants written on
Another favorite!

We put our new Genoa up for the first time and continued north… Click here for next post

headsail  on sailboat
First time for the new Genoa

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