This wasn’t always the plan…

Just about to launch! Jan 2020

We didn’t specifically plan on this life. It was one of those ‘one-day,’ ‘maybe’ ideas. (Of which, we have many.) After about five years of sadness (death, job loss, caregiving, death, job hunt, health issues), we went all-in, sold almost everything, got a bigger boat, and decided to take the ‘simpler’ life out on the water for its shakedown sail.

We started in December of 2019. We lived on the hard for a month (LOTS of ladder climbing) and then splashed Tocino and hit the ICW. We made it to Port Orange, FL, as scheduled, on March 15, 2020, when Covid grounded us.

We chose to use the time to do several projects on Tocino and wait out the hurricane season.

We finally untied the lines (again) in June 2021 and are currently wandering the East Coast of the US.

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Have Bacon, Will Travel

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