We bought Tocino (formerly Destiny), located in Beaufort, NC, in late September 2019. We had spent the late spring and summer 2019 looking at houses, putting in offers on houses, and getting thwarted at every turn. There were A LOT of ripped up deposit checks. After David had a heart attack in August, we decided to go all-in on the cruising lifestyle. Life is short. If not now, when? When we were too old to move around the boat? I don’t think so, Osborne.
David then spent the next couple of months running up and down the east coast doing work on the boat and setting things up. I quit my job in November 2019. I went through my storage space and managed to find someone to buy everything I wasn’t keeping. BEST. DECISION. EVER. I sold all of my unworn jewelry. I sold my car and my motorcycle. I gave away all my fancy boots and shoes. (Moment of silence.)
I systematically cleaned out the apartment and donated anything we didn’t deem worthy of taking with us. We left certain items with different family members, yet somehow, it still took 2 rented Dodge caravans to get us, the cat, and our assorted crap from NY to Beaufort, NC. Apparently, my Kon Mari tsunami wasn’t quite as thorough as it could have been…but, in my defense, can you ever have too much joy on board??
It took a little while to get things from the car onto the boat. We either hauled things up the ladder or used the crane off the back of the boat. We jammed our things into the cockpit, the aft cabin, the aft head, and the v-berth. As we cleaned each area, we slowly unpacked. We were very lucky that the boat was in such good condition when we purchased it. The cleaning was nowhere near as nightmarish as I feared it would be.
Slowly but surely, Tocino became habitable and ours. Click here for next post.